fredag 11 februari 2011

my american soul mate

Here is a picture of me and my american soul m8, it was taken the first summer we spent together.

Her name is Violet and we met one summer when my aunt brought her boyfriend and his kid to Sweden.
You could almost hear the click-sound when we met.
We keep in touch over the internet and hang out during the summers.
More about her, my cousin and my aunt later.
I'm going to blog about my relatives and friends in America, so stay tuned!

Why move there?

I think you all have your own reasons why you should move to America.
Personally I would like to move there to get a international collage education.
And to have the ability to visit my aunt, my cousin and my american soul mate more often.
If I would move there I would like to move either to California or Hawaii. 
Because in those two states, there is no such thing as winter and snow.
I think the main reasons to move there is because you want to breakaway. 
Breakaway and get a brand new start. A new life at a new continent.  With new chances and possibilities. 
The only way to find out, is to try. If you never try you'll never know.


fredag 4 februari 2011

Me and my Kenyan friend

Here is me and my friend Mette, she blogs about Kenya.
She has a decease, you can tell by looking at the lovely picture.
I feel sorry for her, please leave a supporting comment at her blog.
Read it HERE.


Once upon a time there was a man called Christopher Columbus. 
He lived in the 15th century. 
He travelled to find India, where all the gold and exotic spices were.
But on his way there he went a little wrong, and came to America.
He thought he had reached India and decided to call the natives "Indians".

So you could say Christopher Columbus was the first man to step his foot in America.
So why didn't you name the country after him?
Well, the county was named after Amerigo Vespucci, an explorer who sailed along the coast of South America while seeking a route to the Orient in 16th century
The name was later applied to both North and South continents.

I think it's really unfair that they didn't name America after it's first discoverer. Columbus.
Still I can't imagine America having another name than the one it has been given.

Source: Different forums 


fredag 28 januari 2011


The capital of USA is Washington D.C, 
in Washington D.C you'll find the Presidents residence, the famous white house.
 But that's not the only famous city in the states, L.A are famous for gambling, partying and loads of fun and New York (The big apple) is famous for fashion, shopping and of course Times Square.
 Why New York is called "The Big Apple" is because John J. Fitz Gerald, a sports writer for the New York Morning Telegraph, wrote about a race around the big apple in the 1920s. In the early 1920s, "apple" was used in reference to the many racing courses in and around New York City. Apple referred to the prizes being awarded for the races as these were important races, the rewards were substantial.

The main language of America is of course English. In Mexico they speak a lot of Spanish as well.
And why is that? It's because the Mexicans derives from South America where the main language is just, Spanish.

The largest religion in the US is Christianity, practised by the majority of the population. (76% in 2008)

Sources: Wikipedia

XOXO Rebecca

torsdag 27 januari 2011


Picture from this site.

If you are going to visit America, there's some things that you just have see with your own eyes.
 For example the world famous Grand Canyon in Arizona, the Golden gate bridge in San Francisco and of course the Nigiara falls which straddle the U.S.-Canadian border. 
The highest mountain is Mount McKinley in Alaska, it's 6 194 meters above sea level.
 Before I die, I wish to see at least one of these things.  
And some things you just have to experience, like Disney world and Sea World in Florida, L.A and Times Square in New York city.
 If I would go there I would do a “shop-til-u-drop” and create memories that would last a lifetime. 

Sources: Destination USA and


fredag 21 januari 2011


America is very famous for their presidents, their current president is Barack Obama.
And he is the first black president ever. America is also famous for their teen pop sensations.
For example Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift.
Walt Disney is a world famous american for his unforgettable movies that have touched the hearts of millions of people. Opera is also a famous american for her well known talk-show. And of course the historic legend Thomas Edison who invented electric light, the telephone and the photograph.
Martin Luther King was a good might who fought for the rights for the African people.
And Susan B Anthony who fought for woman rights in the community.

There are many kinds of famous American, and I have just mentioned some of them.
 I could go on for ages, but I choose to end it here.


onsdag 19 januari 2011

Why I chose to blog about this country

I have chosen to blog about The United States of America. 
As long as I can remember I've always wanted to go there.
My aunt who lives in California opened my eyes for USA when I was a kid.
She visits Sweden every summer and always have so much fun things to tell us when she gets home. I guess I got fascinated by her enchanting stories and wanted to have as much fun as she has.
And not only do my aunt live in America, my cousin went there to study and is now married to the sweetest guy ever and have the two cutest kids alive. She is now living the dream. 
With a big house and a perfect family. And that's not it, my grandpa is American from birth, which makes me a quarter American. So I guess that is the main reasons why I chose this country.
Also because I could take some help from my American soul mate who also visits me during summer. But I'll come back to you on that one, I will totally dedicate her a own blog post. 

XOXO Rebecca