fredag 11 februari 2011

my american soul mate

Here is a picture of me and my american soul m8, it was taken the first summer we spent together.

Her name is Violet and we met one summer when my aunt brought her boyfriend and his kid to Sweden.
You could almost hear the click-sound when we met.
We keep in touch over the internet and hang out during the summers.
More about her, my cousin and my aunt later.
I'm going to blog about my relatives and friends in America, so stay tuned!

Why move there?

I think you all have your own reasons why you should move to America.
Personally I would like to move there to get a international collage education.
And to have the ability to visit my aunt, my cousin and my american soul mate more often.
If I would move there I would like to move either to California or Hawaii. 
Because in those two states, there is no such thing as winter and snow.
I think the main reasons to move there is because you want to breakaway. 
Breakaway and get a brand new start. A new life at a new continent.  With new chances and possibilities. 
The only way to find out, is to try. If you never try you'll never know.


fredag 4 februari 2011

Me and my Kenyan friend

Here is me and my friend Mette, she blogs about Kenya.
She has a decease, you can tell by looking at the lovely picture.
I feel sorry for her, please leave a supporting comment at her blog.
Read it HERE.


Once upon a time there was a man called Christopher Columbus. 
He lived in the 15th century. 
He travelled to find India, where all the gold and exotic spices were.
But on his way there he went a little wrong, and came to America.
He thought he had reached India and decided to call the natives "Indians".

So you could say Christopher Columbus was the first man to step his foot in America.
So why didn't you name the country after him?
Well, the county was named after Amerigo Vespucci, an explorer who sailed along the coast of South America while seeking a route to the Orient in 16th century
The name was later applied to both North and South continents.

I think it's really unfair that they didn't name America after it's first discoverer. Columbus.
Still I can't imagine America having another name than the one it has been given.

Source: Different forums 
